Thursday, October 04, 2007

Free Give (Part 4)


"Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8b)

When we think of the area of giving, most times we think in terms of giving of our money. But there are other things we can give that can have an impact on others.

Almost 20 years ago we went through a very difficult time with a small business that we owned. We tried every which way to keep our heads above water, and in fact, I was working two other jobs to help keep the business afloat. Things went from bad to worse, and finally we received counsel from numerous friends that we needed to file for personal bankruptcy.

We were recommended to a Christian attorney who would help us and we made an appointment. For over an hour he berated us for even considering bankruptcy and then charged us $500 and sent us on our way. At the time, we were living in another state, and needless to say, the trip back home was a difficult one. By the time I arrived at my office, I was totally drained and emotionally a wreck. Sitting at my desk, I cried out to the Lord for help and moments later, the phone rang.

A godly Christian businessman was on the other end of the line and he said, "Bill, there's something wrong. How can I help you?" It was difficult for me to talk through the tears, and he went on to tell me that he already knew what I was going through and that I had no other choice but to file for bankruptcy. I explained what had taken place earlier in the day, and he gave me the number of his personal corporate attorney and instructed me to call him.

Fast forward six months later to the day we had to appear in court. We were giving up our home and car to help pay off our creditors, and Jan and I were both sick at our stomachs over the whole situation. We sat down in the courtroom and waited our turn to appear before the Judge. I remember this as if it were yesterday, sitting there and beginning to cry. Moments later, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I turned around and sitting behind me was this man who had referred me to his own attorney. He leaned down and said, "I am here with my CFO and we are going to stay with you until this is over. The Lord is going to get you through this, Bill. Trust Him!"

God used this man in our lives in so many ways over the years. It wasn't until several years ago, that I learned that he had quite a difficult childhood and went through some very difficult times. God blessed him financially and he has used his gift of giving in amazing ways. He and his wife have always opened their home to take in missionaries that are in need.

At a recent banquet, a mutual friend shared a story about a widow lady who was struggling with a dental bill. This man had learned about the bill and called the lady and took care of her need.

But beyond the financial help he has given, he has given of his time to meet face-to-face with hurting people of all ages. He has the unique ability to bring calmness in the midst of tough times. Because of the difficulties he experienced in his own life, he has been willing to give back in helping others.

Thanks, Joe Dariano, for being a spiritual giant in my life, and in the lives of hundreds of others.

How about you? Have you received freely? How can you freely give now to others?

Great quote: It is said that when the famous missionary, Dr. David Livingstone, started his trek across Africa he had 73 books in 3 packs, weighing 180 pounds. After the party had gone 300 miles, Livingstone was obliged to throw away some of the books because of the fatigue of those carrying his baggage. As he continued on his journey his library grew less and less, until he had but one book left - his Bible. Anonymous

Our first Men's night is Thursday, October 11th with Dr. Peter Teague, President of Lancaster Bible College. Call today to register and check out the link for details:

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