Monday, October 01, 2007

An Unusual Gift

“Freely you have received, freely give …” Matthew 10:8b

You are receiving a Freedom Fighter on Monday night because tomorrow is our Keswick Golf Tournament and I need to be at the golf course by 7:00 AM.

Yesterday (actually today if you want to be literal) I shared a devotional from Blackaby on this passage. It brought several stories to my mind that I thought I would share with you.
Over the years we have been blessed to meet some really cool people who have demonstrated by their lives, the gift of giving. I might tell you a few for the next couple of days … but for today, I want to share with you a really neat gift that was given to the men of the Colony of Mercy.

This gift comes from a family that has been impacted by a Dad who has been in addiction for a number of years. While he came through the Colony, he has not been living for the Lord, and in fact, is back using his “drug of choice.” He has a beautiful wife and two precious kids.

Several months ago while looking at a potential property for our residential women’s ministry, we looked at a site that had dog kennels on the property. We discussed the value of men and women in addiction having access to pets which has been proven to be helpful in the recovery process.

Long story short, this family had been here for a retreat and told us that their dog was having puppies. I boldly asked the wife if she would consider donating one of the puppies to the men of the Colony. I was blown away when she said, “Yes!” This is a significant blessing because this Mom, who really is a single-parent, could have received $500 for this puppy! But instead, she decided, along with her kids, to bless the men of the Colony with a beautiful pup whom they named, MERCY! I wish you could have seen the men’s faces when they delivered Mercy to the Colony!

I am praying that because of the generosity of this precious family, God will bless their socks off! They have truly experienced God’s grace and MERCY in their lives, and were led to give back to others in need! The last chapter has not been written in their lives!

Great quote: “To whom little is not enough – nothing is enough!” Epicurus

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