Saturday, May 26, 2007



I am thankful this morning for the mercy and grace bestowed on me by a loving, gracious Heavenly Father. But today in my devotional reading, I was reminded that there the other side of God that I must remember. The writer refers to this as “the north side of God.” We need to be balanced in our view of God.“I will make no progress in my discipleship if I limit God to one side. He has two sides. One shows His infinite kindness and patience, the other His firmness and resolution, which the Puritans called ‘the stormy north side of Jesus Christ.’ Most of the teaching about God I have heard refers to His grace, love and kindness. I am seriously deficient in learning that He has a north side as well.

Too many people feel that God’s patience is limitless, His love is inured to pain, His discipline is soft and delayed, and anyway, Calvary, ‘covers it all!’ Such a distorted view of God leads us into all kinds of looseness, laxness, and sloppiness in discipleship. But God is no pushover. If I do not yield to His love, I must yield to His pressure.

Am I so hard of heart that it takes a blow to wake me up? Must I be slave-driven in order to appreciate the loveliness of His person? Or am I so tuned in to Him that the slightest movement of His finger will make me yield? Am I clay in His hands, soft and responsive, or a mass of hard, brittle parts?God reserves His stormy north side for the callously indifferent, but He is never unfeeling toward those who cry for mercy and help. What kind of God is He? ‘He delights in mercy.’ What will He do for us who come suppliant and contrite? ‘He will turn again, he will have compassion on us.” (Micah 7:18-19) Such a God is our God forever!” from DAILY WITH THE KING – Moody Press

Is your view of God balanced? Is there an area of your life that you are toying or playing with sin thinking you can bank on His mercy and grace? Then maybe today you need to be reminded of the “north side” of God.

Great quote: Sin is cosmic treason. R. C. Sproul

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