Sunday, May 27, 2007



“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7; Jeremiah 33:11

I was at a viewing this week and when walking towards the door, a man stuck out his hand and said, “I know you. I slopped gravy on your picture today at the restaurant.” The next day I was meeting with a realtor and the owner of the property said after I told him I was from America’s KESWICK, “I know you – your picture was on the placemat in the restaurant I was eating at today!”

Now both of these individuals don’t KNOW me – the recognized my face from a placemat advertising our 2007 Community Open House. But GOD really KNOWS us – He is intimately acquainted with everything about me. He knows my name, my thoughts, where I am at any given moment. He knows the number of hairs on my head!

In my reading this morning, the passages of Scripture from the Daily Light reminded me that even in the midst of difficult times, HE KNOWS ME! He has NOT forgotten me. I love what Paul wrote to Timothy: “The solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: THE LORD KNOWS THOSE WHO ARE HIS!”

Well, this knowing thing works two ways. Have you ever looked at a baby and then at his parents and an amazing resemblance? Our granddaughter, Emma Grace, looks so much like her Dad, you can’t give her away. People are always saying, “She looks like Garrett in a dress.” The cool thing is that you KNOW she is Garrett’s daughter just by looking at her.

The point? Do people KNOW you are HIS just by looking at you? Are you so in tune with Jesus and so deeply in love with Him, that you reflect HIS image in your life? When they rub shoulders with you do they want to KNOW what you are all about? Think about it today as you have opportunity to worship HIM today.

Great Quote: The people of the Lord in humility are to lay themselves and their prayers, and all that they have, at the foot of their God, to be disposed of by him as he in his heavenly wisdom seeth best. Yet not doubting but God will answer the desire of his people that way that shall be most for their advantage and his glory. When the saints therefore do pray with submission to the will of God, it doth not argue that they are to doubt or question God's love and kindness to them. But because they at all times are not so wise, but that sometimes Satan may get that advantage of them, as to tempt them to pray for that which, if they had it, would neither prove to God's glory nor his people's good. John Bunyan

Join us today for our Sunday afternoon concert with SIMPLE GRACE. The program starts at 2:30 AM in the Activity Center. See the website for details:

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