Monday, January 08, 2007



"At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell
to the ground and worshipped ..." Job 1:20

If you've never read through the book of Job, I commend it to you. It is
a tough book to work through, but one that will encourage you especially
if you are in the midst of suffering and pain in your life.

Job was considered by God to be "blameless and upright, a man who feared
God and shunned evil." Job 1:8 In other words, I believe that Job was a
man who walked and lived in victory. So much so that when Satan was
moving back and forth from earth to heaven and appears in the courtroom
of heaven, God suggested to Satan that he take a look at this man and
give permission for Satan to put him to the test.

I want to suggest to you this morning that Job was a worshipping
Christian. I believe that worship was a part of the fabric of his life.
In just the first chapter of this book, the drama unfolds by Satan
attacking Job's family. In a matter of hours four messengers come to Job
to tell him that that his oxen and donkeys had been taken, his sheep and
servants had been burned up, stole his camels, and then the worst of
all, his kids and their spouses were killed when their house collapsed
in on them.

I don't know about you, but he was having a
"no-good-very-horrible-bad-day." If anyone had the cause for a bad
attitude or a pity party, Job was a candidate. In fact, he could have
been depressed to the point of trying to take his life. In one day he
loses everything.

What amazes me every time I read this chapter is what he does at the end
of the day. He worships!
He falls down to his knees and declares: "Blessed be the name of the
Lord!" Wow! He declares God's sovereign control in facing one of the
darkest days of his life and is able to get on his face before God and
worship Him.

This guy is no casual worshipper. He just isn't a Sunday worshipper. He
is fully engaged as a worshipper every day of his life. That is why he
was able to face life victoriously even in the midst of horrible

How about you? Do you want to be a victorious Christian? Then I suggest
to you today that to THINK VICTORY - be a worshipper! Don't just worship
in the good times - worship Him even when your days are chaotic and
filled with hurt and pain. What are you facing today? Declare His
sovereign control in your life and say with Job - BLESSED BE THE NAME OF

Join us Thursday evening for our Men's Fellowship Night with Pastor Joe
Olechea. Dinner begins at 6:15 PM followed by a time of worship and a
challenge from God's Word. Then join other men for fellowship and sports
in our Activity Center. Call today for a reservation! 732-350-1187.

Great quote: "Worship is the tryst of sacramental identification with
God; we deliberately give back to God the best he has given us that we
may be identified with Him in it." Oswald Chambers

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