Tuesday, January 09, 2007



A victorious Christian is a worshipping Christian. A worshipping
Christian doesn't just worship on Sunday mornings. A victorious
Christian worships throughout the day and knows how to enjoy the
presence of God. Here are four ways that you and I can enjoy God's

1. The most holy and necessary practice in our spiritual life is
the presence of God. That means finding constant pleasure in His divine
company, speaking humbly and lovingly with Him in all seasons, at every
moment, without limiting the conversation in any way. This is especially
important in times of temptation, sorrow, separation from God, and even
in times of unfaithfulness and sin.

2. We must try to converse with God in little ways while we do our
work; not in memorized prayer, not trying to recite previously formed
thoughts. Rather, we should purely and simply reveal our hearts as the
words come to us.

3. We must do everything with great care, avoiding impetuous
actions, which are evidence of a disordered spirit. God wishes us to
work gently, calmly, and lovingly with Him, asking Him to accept our
work. By this continual attention to God, we will 'resist the devil, he
will flee from you.' (James 4:7)

4. Whatever we do, even in the reading of God's Word or praying, we
should stop for a few minutes - as often as possible - to praise God
from the depths of our hearts, to enjoy Him there in secret. Since you
believe that God is always with you, no matter what you may be doing,
why shouldn't you stop for a while to adore Him, to praise Him, to
petition Him, to offer Him your heart, and to thank Him?

Adapted from THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD - Brother Lawrence

Are living victoriously today in your worship? Stop today and
enjoy His presence.

Great quote: It is a fact of Christian experience that life is a
series of troughs and peaks. In his efforts to get permanent possession
of a soul, God relies on the troughs more than the peaks. And some of
his special favorites have gone through longer and deeper troughs than
anyone else. --
Peter Marshall

Join us this Thursday evening as we enjoy a time of great food
and fellowship and a challenge from God's Word at our Men's Fellowship
Night. Pastor Joe Olachea will be sharing God's Word.
The evening begins at 6:15 PM in the Raws Dining Room. Call
today and make your reservation and bring a friend! 732-350-1187.

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