Monday, May 14, 2007

Think Victory! Instant Obedience


“On that very day Abraham did … as God told him.” Genesis 17:23

One of our Keswick speakers shared this definition of obedience. Let it fasten itself to your heart and mind: "Obedience is doing everything you are told to do IN THE RIGHT WAY (with the right heart attitude inwardly), RIGHT AWAY (immediately) and ALL THE WAY (do a complete job.) -- Pastor Tim Shorey -- Senior Pastor Trinity Fellowship Toms River

This is an issue that we are working on with our son, Zach. He is a really good kid, but one of the battles we face is in asking him to do something and then having him come back with alternatives rather than doing was he was asked to do. For example, “Zach, take out the trash.” Instead of say, “Yes, I will do that,” we will sometimes get this response, “I have to do this first,” or “Mom told me to do this instead.”

Has God instructed you to do something and you are holding back from being obedient? Are you giving Him alternatives rather than obey? The writer of Streams in the Desert (Mrs. Cowman/Zondervan) writes that “instant obedience is the only kind of obedience there is, for DELAYED obedience is disobedience. Each time God calls upon us to do something, He is offering to make a covenant with us. Our part is to obey, and then He will do His part to send a special blessing.

The only way to be obedient is to obey INSTANTLY – “On that very day,” as Abraham did. I know we often postpone doing what we know to do, and then later do it as well as we can. Certainly this is better than not doing it at all. By then, however, it is at best only a crippled, disfigured, and partial attempt toward obedience.


What a pity it is how we rob ourselves, as well as God and others, by our procrastination! Remember, ‘On that very day’ is the Genesis way of saying, ‘Do it now!’Martin Luther once said, ‘A true believer will crucify, or put to death, the question, ‘Why?’ He will simply obey without questioning.’” And I refuse to be one of those who ‘unless … I see miraculous signs and wonders … will never believe’ (John 4:48) I will obey without questioning. Obedience is the fruit of faith; patience is the early blossom on the tree of faith.”

How about you this morning? Are you an obedient child of God? Are you obedient to your employer? Good stuff to ponder as we begin this new week.

Great quote: “Our circumstances are the means God uses to exhibit just how wonderfully perfect and extraordinarily pure His Son is. Discovering a new way of manifesting the Son of God should make our heart beat with renewed excitement. It is one thing to choose adversity, and quite another to enter into adversity through the orchestrating of our circumstances by God’s sovereignty. And if God puts you into adversity, He is adequately sufficient to ‘supply all your need.’ (Philippians 4:19)” – Oswald Chambers

FATHER DAUGHTER NIGHT – Sign up today for our annual Father Daughter Nite at America’s KESWICK. Comedian Gordon Douglas will be our special guest for a fun-filled evening of praise and a time to honor daughters of all ages. Thursday, May 17th at 6:15 PM. Call today to make your reservation for dinner and the program. 732-350-1187.

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