Sunday, January 07, 2007



One of the delights of my ministry at America's KESWICK is rubbing
shoulders with the men who are in our 120-day residential program for
men, The Colony of Mercy. I have learned so much from them and enjoy
seeing the Lord transform their lives as they understand that victory
for a lifetime is possible through Christ.

On New Year's Eve we planned a Watch Night service for the men and
before the service we had a bonfire with cider and donuts for them. We
were sitting around the bonfire for about ten minutes talking and
laughing when one of the men started to share what the Lord had been
doing in his life. It wasn't planned to be a worship service, but we
knew it the men were singing and testifying and worshipping the Lord. It
was really cool.

A victorious Christian is a worshipping Christian. And worship for a
Christian who THINKS VICTORY is not just worshipping at 10:30 or 11:00
AM on Sunday morning. Worship for a victorious Christian is a part of
the fabric of their lives Monday through Saturday. It may take place
during their quiet time or when they are walking in the woods. For
Brother Lawrence it happened when he was washing pots and pans.

Several years ago on our trip to Alaska we were climbing up a path that
took us to a mountain peak in Juno. The setting was absolutely stunning.
One of our fellow travelers stood up on a picnic table and shouted,
"Lord, you done good. You done so good." Several people broke into
singing "How Great Thou Art." It was a special moment.

How about you this morning? Are you just a Sunday worshipper or a
spontaneous worshipper? I trust that today your worship comes from a
heart that has already been worshipping throughout the week. That's what
worship is all about.

Have a great Lord's day.

Join us on Thursday evening, January 11th for our monthly Men's Night.
Pastor Joe Olechea will be our speaker. Dinner begins at 6:15 PM. Call
today for a reservation and bring a friend.

Great quote: Holy Spirit of God, visit now this soul of mine, and tarry
within it until the eventide. Inspire all my thoughts. Pervade all my
imaginations. Suggest all my decisions. Lodge in my soul's most inward
citadel, and order all my doings. Be with me in silence and in my
speech, in my haste and in my leisure, in company and in solitude, in
the freshness of the morning and the weariness of the evening. Give me
grace at all times to rejoice in Thy mysterious companionship. John

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