Wednesday, September 20, 2006



"The chief of sinners." "And the grace of our Lord was exceeding
abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy

"Never forget for a moment, as you enter the secret chamber, that your
whole relation to God depends on what you think of sin, and of yourself
as a redeemed sinner. It is sin that makes God's holiness so awful. It
is sin that makes God's holiness so glorious, because He has said: "Be
holy. I am holy."

It is sin that called forth the wonderful love of God in not sparing His
Son. It was sin that nailed Jesus to the cross, and revealed the depth
and the power of the love with which He loved. Through all eternity in
the glory of heaven, it is our being redeemed sinners that will tune our

Never forget for a moment that it is sin that has led to the great
transaction between you and Christ Jesus; and that each day in your
fellowship with God His one aim is to deliver and keep you fully from
its power, and lift you up into His likeness and infinite love.

It is the THOUGHT of sin that will keep you low at His feet, and give
the deep undertone to all your adoration.

It is the THOUGHT of sin, ever surrounding you and seeking to attempt
you, that will give fervency to your prayer, and urgency to the faith
that hides itself in Christ.

It is the THOUGHT of sin that makes Christ so unspeakably precious, that
keeps you every moment dependent on His grace, and gives you the claim
to be more than conqueror through Him that loves us.

It is the THOUGHT of sin that calls us to thank God with the broken and
contrite heart, which God will not despise, that works in us that
contrite and humble spirit in which He delights to dwell.

It is the inner chamber, in secret with the Father, that sin can be
CONQUERED, the holiness of Christ can be IMPARTED, and the Spirit of
holiness take possession of our lives.

It is the inner chamber that we shall learn to know and fully experience
fully Divine power of precious words of promise: 'The blood of Jesus
Christ cleanses us from all sin.' 'He that abides in Him sins not.' (1
John 1:7; 3:6)

Good words from the pen of Andrew Murray - GOD'S BEST SECRETS

Great Quote:
"Our proper guilt is God's methodology of bringing us to himself. Just
as sickness sends us to a physician, guilt sends us to God-and keeps us
there. In fact, it is that guilt (and here I use the word guilt in it
broadest possible understanding of 'helplessness', 'discomfort',
'emptiness', 'disunity', 'fear', 'shame', and 'embarrassment') that is
the impetus of prayer. It is guilt that builds a fire of love in our
hearts. It is guilt that makes us more like Christ. It is guilt that
becomes our greatest blessing, because something happens when we come to
God for his grace and mercy-something that is so radical and so amazing
that it can only be described as death to our old selves. It is the
overwhelming desire to please the One who has loved us with such amazing
and unconditional love." Steve Brown, Approaching God

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