Thursday, September 21, 2006



"In this [union and communion with Him] love is brought to completion
and attains perfection with us." (1 John 4:17 Amplified)

"Paul paints a picture of a love-filled life in 1 Corinthians 13. It is
the picture of Jesus Christ's inner character. He is the ORIGINAL, but
her desires many reprints.

"This love of which I speak is slow to lose patience." (1 Corinthians
13:4 - Phillips) In the rush of life today, we see little patience
exhibited. We are impatient if an appointment is delayed, impatient to
be waited on in a shop, impatient with our families. Genuine love,
however, is slow to lose its patience. Even though treated unjustly, it
doesn't strike back. It refuses to be resentful even though it may have
a reason. Peter writes of Jesus, our example, 'Who, when he was reviled,
reviled not again.' (1 Peter 2:23)

"Love is kind" (vs.4). The Phillips paraphrase reads, 'It looks for a
way to be constructive.' This is not just being kind to those who are
kind to us. It is being kind to those who are unkind. This love is quick
to return good for evil - being kind to someone who has wronged us. It
does not retaliate. Love not only takes the wrong but shows kindness to
the person responsible.

"Love never is envious or boils over with jealousy (vs. 4). Love does
not begrudge another what they HAVE or what they are DOING. It rejoices
in their success and advance. It is not possessive. Love is content with
God's will.

Love "is neither anxious to impress nor does it cherish inflated ideas
of its own importance" (vs. 4). It does not parade or display self. It
doesn't boast or brag. If self is prominent, love is lacking. Love is
not arrogant or proud, but humble. Love cannot coexist with a
superiority complex.

Love "does not pursue selfish advantage" (vs. 5) Such love is
self-forgetful. It is not rude but courteous. It lives to serve others.

Love "does not demand its own way" (vs. 5) or seek its own rights. Love
has good manners. It is always thinking of what is best for others. And
love is more important that knowledge. "While knowledge may make a man
look big, it is only love that can make him grow to his full stature."
(1 Corinthians 8:1) Bottom line: make love your goal.

How's your love level today? With your spouse? Kids? Employees?

Great quote: Life is the journey. It isn't always the destination. As we
walk this path of life, we will make mistakes, stumble many times, fall
once in a while. But a hand will reach down and pull us back up, perhaps
a friend's hand, perhaps the hand of God. But always there is hope, and
as long as there is a single breath left in you, there is the chance for
success, not defeat. Anonymous

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