Tuesday, September 19, 2006



"Behold God is great, and we know Him not. The Almighty, we cannot find
Him out: He is excellent in power." - Job 36:37

"This attribute of God as a Spirit whose being and glory are entirely
beyond our power of apprehension is one that we ponder all too little.
And yet in the spiritual life it is of the utmost importance to feel
deeply that, as the heavens are high about the earth, so God's thoughts
and ways are infinitely exalted beyond all our thought.

With what deep humility and holy reverence it becomes us to look upon
God, and then with childlike simplicity to yield ourselves to the
teaching of His Holy Spirit.

"Oh the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out."
Romans 10:33

Let your heart respond, "Oh Lord, God of gods, how wonderful You are in
all Your thoughts, and Your purposes how deep." The study of what God
is, ought to ever full us with holy awe, and the sacred longing to know
and honor Him aright.

Just think ...

His greatness . . . . . INCOMPREHENSIBLE

His might . . . . . . . .INCOMPREHENSIBLE

His omnipotence . . . IN COMPREHENSIBLE

His wisdom . . . . . . .IN COMPREHENSIBLE

His holiness . . . . . . INCOMPREHENSIBLE

His mercy . . . . . . . .INCOMPREHENSIBLE

His love . . . . . . . . . INCOMPREHENSIBLE

As we worship, let us cry out: What an inconceivable glory is this Great
Being who is MY God and Father! Confess with shame how little you have
desired to know Him, or to wait on Him to reveal Himself. Begin in faith
to trust that in a way passing all understanding, the INCOMPREHENSIBLE
and ALL-GLORIOUS God will work in your heart and life, and give you in
ever-growing measure to know Him aright." From the pen of the great
devotional writings of Andrew Murray - GOD'S BEST SECRETS

Great quote: "Walking in faith brings you to the Word of God. There you
will be healed, cleansed, fed, nurtured, equipped, and matured." Kay

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