Wednesday, September 27, 2006



I am sitting here outside our cabin overlooking the most gorgeous view
of trees beginning to transform from green to brilliant yellows, oranges
and reds over the back drop of a beautiful blue sky and lake. It is a
wonderful spot to be still and allow God to speak to your heart and
transform your life.

I just finished reading John C. Maxwell's book The Difference Maker and
wanted to share some things I learned from it. The premise of the book
is that our attitudes affect every part of our lives. What we THINK
certainly has a profound effect on our behavior.

Temptation begins with our thoughts. James says: "But each one is
tempted and carried away and enticed by his own lust." It doesn't take a
rocket scientist to prove that point to you. Think about it for a
moment. When you finally commit sin it wasn't just something you did
without thinking about it ahead of time. Much of our life-dominating
issues with lust, drugs, alcohol, food - you name it - begin with the
thoughts we allow to fester and dominate our minds.

The Apostle Paul says that our thoughts need to be brought "into
captivity": "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing that
raises itself up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking captive
EVERY THOUGHT captive to the obedience to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Sowing a thought results in developing a habit. Habits affect our
character that ultimately leads to our destiny.
So what are the thoughts today that are dominating your life? Today
would be a good time for you to make a conscious decision to take those
thoughts captive!
Look at these words that John C. Maxwell shared about the power of our
I can make you rise or fall. I can work for you or against you.
I can make you a success or a failure.
I control what you feel and the way that you act.
I can make you laugh . . . Work ... love. I can make your heart sing
with joy ... excitement ... elation.
Or I can make you wretched ... dejected ... morbid.
I can make you sick ... listless.
I can be as a shackle ... heavy ... attached ... burdensome.
Or I can be as the prism's hue ... dancing ... bright ... fleeing ...
lost forever unless captured by pen or purpose.
I can be nurtured and grown to be great and beautiful ... seen by the
eyes of others through actions in you.
I can never be removed ... only replaced.
Why not know me better.
Bob Conklin

Think on these things today.

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