Tuesday, September 26, 2006



Years ago I heard the late Vance Havner say, "If you don't take time to
come apart, you will come apart!" For weeks now I felt like life has
been one roller coaster ride. It started with our summer season and all
the stress comes with ministering to guests and staff.

If you have followed Freedom Fighters with me, you know that in the
middle of our summer season, our Director of Development, Dave Shoppy,
went home to be with Jesus. And then this month has had seven
anniversary banquets and two new grandbabies, both coming early and with
emergency c-sections, in addition to the "normal" routine.

I knew there was light at the end of the tunnel coming this week. We
planned to get away for a break. I knew that I needed it as I was
starting to get "short" (not size wise) with Jan and the kids, as well
as with my staff. I felt like I was starting to "come apart" at the

We drove on Saturday to the Lake Wallenpaupak to a timeshare place and
guess what . . . We are on top of a mountain overlooking a beautiful
section of the lake. But God has blessed us with something we didn't
plan - we have no cell or internet access! I have to drive 5 miles into
town to get internet access and cell phone coverage.

In fact, I am writing this Freedom Fighter while we are driving back
from Walmart. (Relax ... Jan is driving.)

Jesus told his disciples that they needed to "come apart and rest
awhile." It's easy to talk about it ... but as you know, in our world,
it is not always easy to do. We continue to live life on the treadmill
thinking we are "Superman!" Well guess what - if Jesus rested, then I
need to do the same.

I may begin to twitch by the end of week from technology withdrawal, but
somehow, I know it will be worth it.

Great Quote: Our Adversary majors in three things: noise, hurry and
crowds. If he can keep us engaged in "muchness" and "manyness," he will
rest satisfied. -- Richard J. Foster

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