Monday, September 25, 2006


September 25, 1897

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things
have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians

Someone once said to Dwight L. Moody "that the world has yet to see what
God will do with and for, through and around the man who is fully and
wholly consecrated to Him." That statement is certainly true of the
life of William Raws, founder of the Colony of Mercy.
William Raws' life was radically changed on February 17, 1886 when he
trusted Christ as his personal Savior in the Germantown section of
Philadelphia. His bondage to alcohol was broken and Raws was gloriously
saved. In his own words William Raws said, "One day, fairly dying from
the effects of rum, unable even to keep hot rum brandy on my stomach, I
staggered penniless too my room and fell against an old arm
chair...Although under the influence of drink, a poor dying drunkard, a
swearing, lustful, sinful man, I cried unto God. He heard my cry and
save me. For days and nights thereafter I could neither eat nor sleep. I
was on the verge of delirium tremens...But peace came at last and
victory through our Lord and Savior."
Raws went on to begin the Whosoever Gospel Rescue Mission in
Philadelphia but was burdened years later to begin a work in the country
for men to escape city life and get alone with God. On September 25,
1897, the family and some friends met around an old pump organ and sang
ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS' NAME. The crowd pooled their resources of
$1.87 and claimed the promise from Philippians 4:19 -- But my God shall
supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
God birthed the ministry of THE COLONY OF MERCY. And the rest is
Thousands of lives have been transformed by the power of the gospel of
the Lord Jesus Christ because of the transformed life of William Raws.
The ministry continues over a hundred years later with the good news
that Christ can set men and women in bondage to sinful addictions and
through Christ, can live victoriously.
God used the ordinary life of William Raws to impact thousands. He wants
to take your ordinary life and doing extraordinary things. Are you
willing to allow your life to have a ripple effect on others? Surrender
you ALL to Him today.

Today's devotional was taken from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE -365 Daily
Devotionals published by CLC and America's KESWICK. Order a copy today

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