Thursday, September 28, 2006



Christian Comedian, Mark Lowry, shares with his audiences that his mom
had the greatest set of eyes. She was the church pianist and had the
ability to play and scan the audience at the same time. Mark shares that
he would sit in the balcony trying to evade her look, but somehow, some
way, she had the ability to zero in on him with precision and accuracy.
Despite his attempt to hide, she could find him within seconds.

Growing up in our church, we had a lady who was also a pianist with
supersonic vision. She would often be playing the piano which was facing
the front way, and with great accuracy, she'd say, "Tommy, stop fooling
around and sing." We were convinced that she had eyes in the back of her

I will often announce to a Colony man: "I've got my eye on you!" It is a
good reminder that someone is always watching us.

We often forget that the One who created us, has the ability to see
where we are any given second. With precision and accuracy, He sees
where we are and what we are doing. His eyes are piercing and
discerning. And as the old saying goes, "We can't pull the wool over His

While you and I may THINK He doesn't see us - He does! All the time!
Today be reminded of this: "The eyes of the Lord move to and fro
throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is
completely His." (2 Chronicles 16:9)

What are His eyes seeing in YOU today? Good thoughts to ponder.

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