Thursday, July 27, 2006



Yesterday I shared that dear friend in her nineties, gave me her Bible. It contains so many precious notes, poems and outlines that she has written throughout her life. She loves the Book, and yet because of her loss of vision, cannot read it. She holds onto the Word that she has memorized over the years.

Here is a precious poem I found on one of the inner pages of her Bible:

O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me,
And all things else recede!
My heart be daily nearer Thee,
From sin to be daily freed.

Each day let Thy supporting might,
My weakness still embrace,
My darkness vanish in Thy light
Thy life my death efface.

In Thy bright beams which on me fall,
Fade every evil thought,
That I am NOTHING, Thou are ALL,
I would be daily taught.

More of Thy glory let me see,
Thou, Holy, Wise, and True!
I would Thy living image be,
In joy and sorrow, too.

Fill me with gladness from above,
Hold me by strength Divine.
Lord, let the glow of Thy great love
Through my whole being shine.

Make this poor self grow less and less
Be Thou my life and aim;
Oh, make me daily thru Thy grace
More meet to bear Thy name.

What a wonderful prayer for today!

I want to offer once again to send my Freedom Fighter friends a set of the messages that Dr. Jimmy De Young has presented at America's KESWICK this week on Bible prophecy. It is a timely series in light of all that is taking place right now in the Middle East. We ask that you consider a special summer gift to help us with our summer conference expenses. Respond to this email to let me know you want the CD's and be sure to include your mailing address. If you'd like to make your gift on-line, you can do so right from our home page: Mark your gift "Prophecy Series." Your help at this time will be greatly appreciated.

God bless.

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