Monday, July 24, 2006



From the writings of FENELON -- THE SEEKING HEART

"I know I talk a lot about being totally detached from yourself and about loving in a completely unselfish way. Since this is such a difficult thing to do, I don't want you to feel so guilty when you fall short. Your failures don't make you displeasing to Him. It is a long process toward being completely dead to your selfishness. There will be self-seeking in many things that you do. You can tell if your old self is involved in a situation when something stands in the way of what you want and your are upset or disgruntled.

You cling to yourself without realizing it, but see how you cry when something is taken away! You do not deliberately hang onto your bad intentions, but you do not look at them too closely for fear of what you might find out! God reveals a thousand things in your heart which you will swear are not there, but He will help you to deal with them.

Do you think you want to discover all your weaknesses at once? God tenderly spares you this frightening discovery. He does not send too much light too quickly. Do you see how admirable and good God is not to ask you to change something which He has not given you the resources to change?

The people who watch their faults the most are still in the dark about how to give up certain weaknesses. God reserves this wisdom for a more advanced state.

Be faithful to what God has given you -- not what He hasn't. God will show you, in HIS time, everything you need to know. Meanwhile, God hides your own imperfections behind a veil lest they overwhelm you. You impatiently want to be perfect, but it is much better to wait humbly under the hand of God. Bear yourself without condemnation or flattery. The process will work a deeper death to your self-nature than instant perfection.

God wants to foster your dependence on Him. He gives you light as a wise mother would give her child tasks to do. No more light is given until that particular job is finished. Have you finished all that God sets before you? He will instantly give you a new work for He never leaves you idle. But if you haven't done what He has asked, He will show you more.

Let God work in you, and be happy with the light He gives you. Each new gift from God is built upon the one before it." Written over 400 years ago!!! Good words for today.

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way." Psalm 139:23

Join us this week for uplifting and challenging messages by one of America's leading scholars on Biblical prophecy. Dr. Jimmy DeYoung will be speaking each morning (M-T) at 9:30 AM and then in the evenings at 7 PM. Call for information -- 732-350-1187.

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