Saturday, July 22, 2006



"Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day." (Genesis 32:24)

Jacob is a perfect example of a man who strives to do the will of God in his own strength and intellect. Jacob rose to great heights and acquired wealth by his human abilities, but in all of his success he was far from being in the will of God.
We are first introduced to Jacob in Genesis 25. At the time of his birth we see two things. First, God informed Rebekah that the struggle she felt in her womb was because she was carrying twins. God promised that the blessings of the birthright, always given to the first born, would be given to the second born. Secondly, Jacob's nature is revealed in the birth process as he holds to the heel of his twin brother Esau.
In time Jacob convinced Esau to sell his birthright as the first born for a bowl of stew (Genesis 25:29-34). Later he lied to his father Isaac and tricked him into bestowing to him the birthright (Genesis 27:18-29). From the time Jacob lied to Isaac until we see him wrestling with the Lord in Genesis 32, over twenty years elapse. Jacob's entire life was one of deceit and deception. The tragedy of his life was that God had promised to give everything to Jacob that he was lying and cheating to get. If only Jacob had waited on God how different his life would have been.
Jacob's actions eventually backed him into a corner at Jabbok. It was here that God arranged a long overdue meeting with Jacob. This meeting with God would be the turning point in Jacob's life.
Genesis 32: 22-32 describes the nature of this meeting. First, Jacob was left alone. God requests that we spend time alone with Him, but if we refuse or neglect to keep this appointment God will arrange an appointment of His own. He knows the value of His children spending time alone with Him. Are you spending time alone with God?
At Jabbok God broke Jacob. It was out of this brokenness that Jacob saw himself for he was and he confessed all his sin. It was in this state of brokenness that God changed Jacob and blessed him with a new name and a new nature.
Are you spending time alone with God?

Roger D. Willmore

Scripture Reading: Genesis 33-35; Matthew 10:1-20

Today's devotional is written by our good friend, Dr. Roger Willmore, who will be speaking at America's KESWICK in August. The writing is from our daily devotional, REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE now in its second printing. You can order a copy right from our website --

Sunday afternoon concert: July 23 -- David Hibbard -- vocalist and trumpeter. 2:30 Hymnsing followed by the concert at 3.

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