Friday, June 23, 2006



Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to the words of knowledge. Proverbs 23:12

Buy the truth, and do no sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding. Proverbs 23:23

These two lines from the Wisdom Writer go together. Verse twenty-three tells us to buy; verse twelve tells us to apply what we buy. Freedom Fighters who want to "live life skillfully," will practice the two disciplines of "buy and apply."

Notice from these lines that gaining the wisdom we need to fight for freedom requires initiative. This dual pursuit of wisdom and freedom demands ongoing engagement and discipline. We must engage our minds in the pursuit of wisdom. We must exercise regular discipline in applying wisdom to our daily lives.

Too many of us want to live by the old adage "let go and let God." While there is a kernel of truth in that adage, it allows people to live far too passively. We know God has to be at work in our lives if we're to achieve true victory. No one argues against that. He never, however, gives us liberty to sit back and let Him do all the work. When we see words like flee, resist, put on the whole armor, apply, etc., we understand that God expects initiative from us.

The Wisdom Writer tells us to "buy the truth." I believe that means that we're to pursue truth along with wisdom, instruction and understanding. Go back to Proverbs 1, and you'll see those four qualities provide the foundation upon which we build our lives. It's also a lifelong pursuit because we all need regular reminders of the truth.

Buying isn't enough, however. We must apply what we've bought. If we want to keep the "buy" metaphor, think about it this way. You come into some big money. You go buy the car of your dreams. You have it delivered to your house, put it in the garage and never use it. You don't even learn how to use all the controls. It just sits there. So it is with instruction, truth and words of knowledge. Without application they're just like your dream car. They do you know good unless you figure out how they should work into your life and change you.

Choose initiative and engagement. Buy and apply. Discover true freedom as you do.

Don't forget: Sitting around waiting isn't how you win the battle! (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)

Join us for the DAVE BOYER AND RALPH CARMICHAEL BAND in concert, FRIDAY, JULY 7th! Special rate for Freedom Fighters. Call for details -- 732-350-1187

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