Thursday, June 22, 2006

A prudent man

A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on
and are punished.

Proverbs 22:3

Freedom Fighters desperately need this instruction. We need to know
when to run and when to fight. Sometimes wisdom dictates what great
football coaches have known for years. The best offense is often a good

This line from the Wisdom Writers occurs again in chapter 27. A line
from Proverbs 14:16 reinforces it. Men who fight for freedom should
become familiar with all three instructions. We need to get this
clearly. At times in our lives when evil assaults us, hiding from it is
a positive alternative. Fighting or flirting with evil will do us more
damage than good.

Some who read this may think that hiding is comparable to cowardice.
Not so according to God's Word! We may not know the word "prudent." It
describes the man who acts with care and thought for the future. In
military terms, the prudent man knows when to retreat so he can live to
fight another day. Prudent men know when to fight and when to hide.
They don't hide because they're cowards. They hide because they've
thought carefully and wisely about the evil that confronts them.

Each of us can choose to prudence or simple foolishness. We can
exercise foresight and discernment, or we can walk right into evil and
pay the price. The Wisdom Writer makes the choice and the results clear
for us. He helps us understand the options and provides simple wisdom
that protects us.

I wonder why this is so hard for us. What makes us think we must always
fight? What makes us consider playing with or flirting with evil?
Maybe we don't understand the "evilness" of evil. "Oh, it's not all
that bad," may describe our thinking. Buying that line of thinking
means we're gullible for anything Satan wants to throw at us. We've
truly become "the simple" of Proverbs 22:3!

So, here's the deal. Are we prudent or simple? Do we choose to live
wisely or foolishly? This instruction is really clear. When we see the
tornado of evil coming our way, we head for the basement! We don't try
to outrun it or resist it. We stay out of its way.

Don't forget: The best offense against evil is knowing when to hide!

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