Monday, June 12, 2006



The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26

People who fight for freedom choose their friends carefully. The right kind of friend will help us win the fight. The wrong kind will usually cause us to lose the fight.

Remember that Proverbs writers want us to live life skillfully. Even little one-line instructions like the one we consider today, have that goal. Don't forget, too, that Solomon possessed incredible wisdom. Beyond that, he wrote under the influence of God's Holy Spirit. Put all of that together, and we need to pay attention to this instruction.

The thinking is really simple. Good friends will help us become what God wants us to be. Most of us who read this email every day do so because we want to grow in our walk with Jesus. We look for encouragement, instruction, help for the journey. For the same reasons we need to build solid friendships with people who provide the same kind of support for us. While we don't forsake non-Christian friends, we discover from this verse that we can't just hang out with anyone.

None of us is immune to the influences of those around us, especially those who are our friends. People who were friends when we walked in ways that brought addictions our lives, need to hear what the Proverb Writer says to us in this little instruction. Once we're clean and walking with Jesus, we may need to break off those friendships. The influence of those who don't walk with Jesus (the wicked) will often lead us back to sinful life patterns. We don't want to go there!

Take a few minutes today and think about the people who influence you. Do your friends help you stay free? Do they encourage you in your walk with Jesus? Don't minimize the influence of your friends, and, don't forget that all your friends aren't people. Books are your friends. Do you read books that push you toward Jesus or away from Him? What about your TV friends? The material you allow into your life through your eyes and ears from big or small screens can help you or hurt you.

Don't forget: Choosing the right friends protects you from failure! (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)

Senility is setting in -- I wished you all a Happy Father's Day yesterday . . . Better early than never? Listen this week to KESWICK TODAY and meet Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, our Prophecy Week speaker. Join us for an action-packed week of information to help you understand prophecy in light of today's news. You can tune in by visiting our website:

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