Tuesday, June 13, 2006

he who regards a rebuke

Poverty and shame will come to him who disdains correction, but he who regards a rebuke will be honored. Proverbs 13:18

The issues of correction, rebuke and instruction run through the entire book of Proverbs. It is as though the Proverb writers knew how resistant we are to those things. I've seen how often I get defensive when someone tries to correct me. Many with whom I've worked seem to have the same problem. Those who struggle with addictions seem particularly resistant to correction.

I've often wondered why those who so much need help resist receiving it. A good friend of mine who travels the country teaching on prayer may have the answer. He speaks of believers struggling with "the residue of the flesh." All of us have that "residue." It often flares up when rebuke or correction comes our way.

The writer of Proverbs 13:18 wants us to see the benefit of a godly rebuke. He wants us to know the danger of resisting correction. Do you remember the two paths that meet. It is the place where Lady Wisdom stands and calls out to us? She'll remind us that we receive blessing when we accept needed rebukes. She'll also let us know that we're wrong when we won't accept correction from those who care about us. We need to listen.

Let's think for a minute how we receive rebuke and correction. I believe strongly that correction needs to come from mature believers. You'll usually find these people in a Bible-believing local church. The Colony of Mercy at America's Keswick insists that graduates of the Colony connect with a good church and establish a pastoral covenant. We find safety in a good church. We find people who can correct us and help us stay on course. All of us need that.

You and I are better for having people who love us enough to correct us when they see us straying from the right way. Let's thank God for them and benefit from them. Let's make sure we don't ignore them or resist them.

Don't forget: Resist the "residue of your flesh" and pay attention to wise correction. (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)
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