Sunday, June 11, 2006



"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14

The fight for freedom happens best when fought with others. God didn't design us for isolation.

I've seen isolation happen too often not to recognize the signs. With men particularly isolation often provides the first indication that sin is taking root in our lives. That isolation from others is more prevalent than ever with various internet addictions. We can't drag ourselves away from the pictures or the online casino or the chat room. We can do whatever we want in the privacy of our home or office . . . or so we think.

If you choose to read Proverbs this month, you'll find other places that speak to the danger of isolation and lack of counsel in our lives. Proverbs writers frequently beat the same drum. We need each other. We live in danger when we reject those who can give us counsel and encouragement.

A man on my church Board spent a year in Iraq. He'll be the first to tell you about the security that comes with safety. We're never safe if we nurture life-dominating sins in an unholy cocoon of isolation. Safety comes in numbers. The Proverb writer saw safety in multiple godly counselors who walk with us as we pursue freedom from those sins.

How about you? Do you live in the safety of many counselors? Or, do you live in the dark shadows of isolation? If you're living in the shadow world of secret sins, I encourage you to leave the darkness. God didn't design His people to live there. You may think no one cares. You may think that if people knew of your shadow world that they would only judge you. Some might do just that, but finding those who won't judge you makes the risk worthwhile.

You'll never find a better day than today to come out of the dark corners of isolation. If you want to take that step and don't know where to go, respond to this email. Bill Welte can contact you, or you can ask for me to contact you. We want nothing more than to walk with you in the light.

Don't forget: God didn't design you to live in the dark world of isolation. (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)

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