Tuesday, June 27, 2006



Bible teacher and author Richard Blackaby (son of Henry, author of Experiencing God) says that "many Christians have lost the wonder of what God's grace as done for them. They have fallen into a debilitating send of self-centered entitlement, behaving as if God exists solely to serve them and to make them happy. These people have forgot how hopeless their situation was before God rescued them by His grace. They overlook the fact that God is not obligated to redeem them or walk with them daily or to answer their prayers or even to continue loving them when they act intolerably."

He goes on to say "that our generation may be one of the most self-centered in history. There is a chronic condition in our society that is far more widespread than is generally acknowledged. It affects most Christians. It causes are difficult to understand but its symptoms are obvious. And it seems to be contagious. It is perplexing to witness. It is inexcusable as it is pervasive. It contradicts the very purpose of Christ's death on the cross."

"A baffling reality is that the richest people in the world can be some of the stingiest tightwads. Those who have the most can be the least willing to show generosity to others. While 'Amazing Grace' may be a popular hymn among millions of believers, it is not the lifestyle of choice for many. Here are some examples of graceless Christians:

* People complain they 'got nothing out of the service' because the worship leader did not schedule any of THEIR favorite hymns.
* Members angrily leave the church because the pastor changed the format of the service.
* Believers become resentful toward God because He did not answer THEIR prayers the way THEY wanted Him to.
* People leave the church auditorium promptly at twelve o'clock hour whether the pastor is finished speaking or not.
* Church leaders are slandered by people who have been 'overlooked' for prominent positions.
* Two Christians refuse to forgive one another.
* Members leave the church because the Pastor talks too much about giving.
* Christian parents refuse to speak to their adult son or daughter because he or she did not heed their advice."

From PUTTING A FACE ON GRACE -- Living a Life Worth Passing On by Richard Blackaby. Published by Multnomah and available from the Keswick Bookstore (732-350-1187 ext. 31)

Are you a graceless Christian? I would love to dialog about this. What are some other ways that we can demonstrate that we are GRACELESS CHRISTIANS?

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