Wednesday, June 28, 2006



Like a bird that wanders from its nest is a man who wanders from his place. Proverbs 27:8

This little line from the Wisdom Writer talks to us about the danger of wandering. We may get into trouble when we wander aimlessly or carelessly from the safe place God has for us. Like a bird out of its place, we are vulnerable when we leave the safety of our place.

Freedom Fighters who know the battle with addictions need to accept this instruction. You may have known freedom from your addiction for a long time. Perhaps you've become too comfortable in your victories. Carelessness creeps into your life. You wander from the places that you know are safe. You may wander unintentionally, but still you wander.

Where might the wandering take you? You may go to the wrong place on the internet. You may wander back to the old neighborhood where you scored your last hit. An old affair may come to mind and you reconnect with someone who puts you in a compromising position. Hear the Proverbs Writer today: wandering is dangerous! You're as unsafe as a little bird that falls from its nest.

As I think about the word, I believe wandering also speaks to a lack of discipline. Those of us prone to wander probably aren't practicing good self-control. Wandering infers drifting, and I can't think of anything more dangerous for Freedom Fighters than drifting. Drifting gives Satan an opportunity to take us places we don't want to go, to places we don't need to visit.

This one little line of scripture also speaks of this "place" where we belong. It implies that we have a good and right place where we belong. We also know of places where we don't belong. All of us who choose freedom instead of bondage do well to accept the safe place, even if it sometimes feels like we're closed in. Safety always includes come level of restraint. We should accept that restraint, not fight it.

If you're out with your family for a Sunday afternoon drive, wandering is fun. Freedom Fighters striving for victory avoid wandering and appreciate the safety of their "place."

Don't forget: Birds and Freedom Fighters aren't safe when they're out of place! (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)

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