Monday, June 26, 2006


Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. Proverbs 26:12

Proverbs writers don't hold fools in high regard. Their comments on the man who lives as a fool are scathing. That's what makes this verse in chapter 26 so astonishing. The wisdom writer has just used eleven verses giving us a completely unflattering description of a fool. In one verse he paints a picture of the "smart guy." Even the fool has more hope than the "wise guy" who thinks he knows everything.

I've noticed through the years that men with life-dominating sins often have the "I'm smarter than everyone else" mind frame. They don't need help because they don't have a problem. If they admit they have a problem, they can handle it by themselves. I've seen it with alcoholics, drug abusers and men with sexual addictions.

Hear me clearly: those of us who read this who think we know it all, who are "wise in our [own] eyes," live in dangerous territory. The Wisdom Writer tells us of our lack of hope. Do you hear what he's saying? If you or I live as "wise guys," we're just about hopeless! No one can help us because we don't even know we need help!

I wonder if writing these words is something like running into a brick wall. Somebody reading this Freedom Fighter needs to hear this verse. I fear that the one or more who need to hear it won't because they are "wise guys." If you sense anger while reading these words, you probably need them. If you think they're for someone else, you probably need them. If you sense God's Spirit driving them home to you, you definitely need to hear them!

How do you respond if you're a "wise guy?" Ask God to search your heart and show you if you qualify as a "wise guy." Read Psalm 139:23&24. Pray those words back to God with a willing and open heart. Choose to listen as God shows you truth about you.

Wisdom Writer didn't say no hope exists for the man who is "wise in his own eyes." God is mightier than our biggest issues. He can free us from our bondages and from ourselves. Choose to reject the "wise guy" lifestyle. Choose humility before God. Let those who care about you help you. Hope still exists . . . even for "wise guys!"

Don't forget: "Wise guys" become wise when they quit being "wise guys." (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)

GREAT QUOTE: Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.

Charles Wesley

RALPH CARMICHAEL BAND AND DAVE BOYER in concert -- Friday, July 7th -- Tickets $15 -- Special Freedom Fighter Price $10. Call today for reservations -- 800-453-7942.

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