Friday, July 29, 2005


As you prepare your heart for the Lord's day, here are some thoughts on worship from the pen of the composer of the marvelous praise song, MAJESTY:

"True worship takes place when you declare the Lord's worth:

* When we come before Him to honor His character, not parade our music or ministry talent
* When we come before Him with humility, not protecting ourselves from the penetrating power of His Spirit
* When we open as children to the truth of His Word, rather than smugly defending our narrow-minded, doctrinaire attitudes that produce more division than unity in the body of Christ's Body.

The weight of His glory, exalted in worshipping the Father and magnifying His Son in the power of the Holy Spirit, impacts, reshapes and alters our character and conduct. It liberates, releases and loosens us from the hold of sin and self and unleashes the ministry life of Jesus Christ to course through our daily lives. 'From glory to glory' is the Word's description of a life being progressively transformed to walk in the fellowship and blessings that were always God's intent for us."

from MANIFEST PRESENCE -- Expecting a Visitation of God's Grace Through Worship by Dr. Jack Hayford -- published by Revell

Take some time these next two days to get alone with God to prepare your heart for the Lord's Day. Worship is not just for Sunday -- It needs to be a daily part of the fabric of our lives!

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