Saturday, July 30, 2005


The book of Hebrews "summarizes so succinctly and penetratingly how appropriate it is that Jesus Himself -- His worship, His praise and His glorious honoring -- should become the focus and essence of everything we think about, plan, prepare for, arrange, produce, program, and DO
when we we worship. His honor and glory must be the ultimate object of all we pursue as worshippers, whether we lead or follow. His ultimacy is revealed clearly in the Word of God: All worship must flow from that fountain of revelation so as to maintain a full and worthily glorifying
perspective on Him.

The opening three verses of Hebrews 1 make seven statements about our Lord Jesus Christ. Each should be explored as they might be elsewhere in Scripture, for an inexhaustible mine of truth waits to be found in each statement. It is impossible to spend time with passages like this and not be conditioned to keep our perspective when we worship!

The PERSON we worship is:
* predestined Heir of all things (1:2)
* the avenue of God's power by whom the world was made (1:2)
* the radiant Representative of God's glory shown to humankind (1:3)
* the ultimate expression of the ultimate reality (1:3)
* the Sustainer of all that exists in the universe (1:3)
* the Savior from sin and Redeemer of sinful humankind (1:3)
* the exalted and ascended Lord -- His Majesty on high (1:3)

This is the One to whom we come with our praise and thanksgiving. He is the One whose love and grace prompt our rejoicing and laudation. His Father, our Creator, is the exceedingly glorious One who gave us this Jesus. His commissioned Comforter, the Holy Spirit, is the One sent to us to overflow us with enabling power and give us the capacity to glorify Him -- Jesus, our Lord! (from MANIFEST PRESENCE by Dr. Jack Hayford, published by Revell)

Take some time today to read through Hebrews 1 as you prepare your heart for the Lord's day! Good words to consider.

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