Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Supremacy of Christ

My reading this weekend was interesting in that the two books I have been reading brought to my mind and heart the SUPREMACY OF CHRIST. Here are some thoughts from Dr. John Piper as we celebrate this Lord's day, 2005:

* The supremacy of his deity: equal with God the Father in all his attributes -- the radiance of his glory and the exact imprint of his nature, infinite, boundless in all his excellencies
* The supremacy of his eternality that makes the mind of man explode with unsearchable thought that Christ never had a beginning, but simply always was; sheer, absolute reality while all the universe is fragile, contingent, like a shadow by comparison to his all-defining, ever-existing substance
* The supremacy of his never-changing constancy in all his virtues and all his character and all his commitments -- the same yesterday, today, and forever
* The supremacy of his knowledge that makes the Library of Congress look like a matchbox, and all the information on the Internet look like a little 1940's almanac
* The supremacy of his word that moment by moment upholds the universe and holds in being all the molecules and atoms and subatomic world we have never dreamed of
* The supremacy of his power to walk on water, cleanse lepers and heal the lame, open the eyes of the blind, cause the deaf to hear and the storms to cease and the dead to rise, with a single word, or even a thought
* The supremacy of his purity never to sin or to have one milli-second of a bad attitude or an evil, lustful thought
* The supremacy of his trustworthiness never to break his word or let one promise fall to the ground


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