Thursday, July 28, 2005


Dr. Ron Cline, Chairman of the Board of HCJB, has been our Adventure Week speaker and his series is called "WALKING WITH JESUS." Last night we celebrated by remembering "GO GOD" moments in our lives -- those situations where we God shows up and does His thing -- things that are only explainable by God! David wrote: "Oh give thanks to the Lord. Call upon His name. Make known HIS deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him. TALK OF ALL HIS WONDROUS WORKS! Glory in HIS name. Let the hearts of those who rejoice seek the Lord." (Psalm 105:1-3)

I want to encourage you to do just that. Have you had "Go GOD" moments in your life? If so, write them down in your journal. In fact, I want to encourage you to send one to me so that I can share them with the rest of the Freedom Fighter family as an encouragement of God's faithfulness.

Last year at this time we were praying for the funds to repair the roof on our Activity Center. Initial quotes on the job were $175,000 and more. Through a series of "Go God" moments, the price was lowered to $125,000. I wrote an appeal letter on Monday morning that would be sent
to our Keswick friends and gave it to our Director of Marketing. Our in-house printing press broke and that meant we would have to outsource the job to a local printer. The letter would not be printed for another 5 days!

On Thursday morning, a donor came into my office and shared that he and his wife wanted to write the check for $125,000 for the roof project. Wow! Now I know why the press broke down! But the story gets better. Our Director of Maintenance call the next morning to order the materials and the man who was helping us with the materials looked at the quote in
amazement. Had we waited another day to order the materials, the costs would have gone up another 30%!!! God's timing in all of this was AMAZING! It was a "GO GOD!" moment.

Well what about you? How about sharing your story with us. Look today for Him to work in your life. Then do what David said -- TALK OF ALL HIS WONDROUS WORKS!

Consider it!

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