Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I think my grandson has inherited one of my life-long struggles . . . HE LOVES TO EAT! He is doomed if he is not careful. This little-big-guy loves food. He has broken all the rules that our modern-day pediatricians have outlined for a baby's normal food progression. At seven months he eats everything from fruit to pretzels to pizza and, even cheese.

When he sees food, forget it -- he doesn't want you -- he wants the food. He will pout, yell, scream, wail until he gets what he wants. He loves food.

King David, writer of most of the Psalms, wrote an incredible Psalm that tells us how much he loved God's Word. He loved God's Word so much that he meditated in it day and night. He loved the Word and it was a part of the fabric of his life. He had a hunger for the Word of God that was almost insatiable.

How about you? Are you hungry for God's Word? Are you so in love with it that you would yell, scream, wail until you were fed by it? May we come to that place where we will declare with David, "I LOVE YOUR LAW . . . I MEDITATE ON IT ALL DAY LONG." (Psalm 119:97)

Have a great day!

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