Thursday, June 16, 2005


There is something very spectacular about the skies in Minnesota. Maybe I have grown accustomed to the smog-filled skies on the east coast, or maybe the skies stand out because there is so much open space. The skies have been just glorious to look at.

We witnessed our first real mid-west thunderstorm the other day and it was something. Nothing to block the view as the lightning streaked across the sky. At the end of the thunderstorm we witnessed a magnificent rainbow that seemed to spring from the earth and shoot straight up to the heavens. (I will try and get the picture on the web site for you to see . . . )

I am reminded that God's magnificent promises can be an encouragement and anchor during the storms of life. While many promises were made to specific people for a specific period of time, the Scriptures are filled with many promises that you can rightfully claim as YOURS! As you spend time reading the Word today, ask the Holy Spirit to show you one of God's magnificent promises. Take that promise and commit it to memory. Meditate on it. Write it in your journal. And even better -- memorize it. Some day that promise will become an anchor in your life when you face a storm.

"Yet he (Abraham) did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised!" Romans 4:20-21

Good words for you to consider today.

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