Friday, June 17, 2005


One of the things we enjoy doing as a family is visiting antique shops. We have been doing it for years and hardly ever buy anything. We enjoy seeing stuff that our Mom's had when we were kids being sold for ridiculous prices. Simple things like Hershey Cocoa containers that are empty, but now selling for $25.

There was a huge antique store in Sioux Falls called "Monks Junk" that was really cool. It was an old "kwanza" building turned into a store with two floors filled with stuff. The community people laughed about it because they all new that the prices were way to high. How could "junk" be so costly?

When God created Adam, he created him out of dust! Nothing fancy -- dust! And yet think about how important that dust is in God's eyes. He created and fashioned you with his own hands (Psalm 139:13) and then He purchased us with the blood of His only Son (I Corinthians 6:20).

My friend, Pastor Tom Mahairas, reminds me that "God don't make no junk!" You might be discouraged today believing the lies of the enemy that you are worthless nobody. Don't believe the lie! You are of great value to Him.

Read Psalm 139 and thank Him for His care and concern for you.

SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT -- Join us next Saturday evening for another outstanding dinner concert at America's KESWICK with Stuart Neil. Stuart travels worldwide with the world's major orchestra's and has an incredible testimony. To make your reservations, call today -- 800-453-7942.

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