Tuesday, June 14, 2005


"Have you ever sought God with your whole heart, or have you simply given Him a feeble cry after some emotionally painful experience? " . . . Seek (focus) and you will find. (See Luke 11:9)

Are you thirsty, or complacent and indifferent -- so satisfied with your own experiences that you want nothing more of God? Experience is a doorway, not a final goal. BEWARE OF BUILDING YOUR FAITH ON EXPERIENCE, OR YOUR LIFE WILL NOT RING TRUE AND WILL ONLY SOUND THE NOTE OF A CRITICAL SPIRIT.

How do you seek? " . . . knock and the door will be opened to you." (Luke 11:9)
"Draw near to God . . ." (James 4:8) Knock -- the door is closed, and your heart races as you knock.
"Cleanse your hands . . ." (James 4:8) Knock a bit louder -- you will

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