Thursday, May 12, 2005


"For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith." I John 5:4
Dr. Charles Haddon Spurgeon writes that "People who are born again really do overcome the world. How is this brought about? The text says, 'This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.'
Christians do not triumph over the world by REASON. Reason is a very good thing, and no one should find fault with it. Reason is a candle, but faith is the sun. While I prefer the sun, I do no put out the candle. I use my reason constantly, but when I come to real warfare, reason is a wooden sword. It breaks, it snaps, while faith, the sword of true Jerusalem metal, cuts to the dividing of the soul and body.
Those who do something significant in the world are always men of faith.
The person who wins the battle is the one who knows he will win and vows to be the victor. Those who never get on in this world are those who are always afraid to do a thing for fear they cannot accomplish it. Who climbs to the top of the Alps? The person who says, 'I will do it, or I will die.'
Let such a person make up his mind that he can do a thing, and he will do it if it is within the range of possibility. Those who have lifted the standard and, grasping it with a firm hand, have held it up in the midst of the stormy strife and battle are the men of faith. Men of fear and trembling run, but men of faith, whose boldness us etched on their foreheads like brass, lift their eyes "unto the hills, from whence cometh my help' (Psalm 121:1), believing in God."
from THE TRIUMPH OF FAITH IN A BELIEVER'S LIFE, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon and published by our good friends at BETHANY HOUSE.
Good words to ponder today. Have a blessed day IN CHRIST.

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