Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I was blessed with a godly heritage and had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home. My Dad was born in Philadelphia and before meeting my mom he was addicted to alcohol. The day that he was saved, he was set free from his bondage to this addiction and never had the desire to use alcohol again. He never tired of sharing the grace of God in his life with others.
>From the world's perspective, my Dad was nobody. He was a carpenter by
trade, and believe it or not, he made caskets for Atlas Casket Company in Philadelphia. He loved to sing and share his testimony, and over the years he did that faithfully at his home church, as wells as traveling with the Salvation Army to the Philadelphia prisons. For 25 years he was a featured soloist at the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ. Because of the intensity of his addiction, he took its toll on his body and he suffered several heart attacks, mini-strokes and colon cancer.
Dad's last ministry on earth was at the Boardwalk Chapel. He gave his testimony and sang one of his favorite hymns, WHEN I SURVEY THE WONDROUS CROSS. The last line of the hymn says, "Love so amazing, so divine!
Demands my soul, my life, my all!" Those were the last lines he ever sang. Taking his seat, he had a major heart-attack and stroke and never regained consciousness. Two weeks later he was in the presence of Jesus at age 64. That was over 19 years ago.
My Dad modeled many things for me. But most of all, he taught me the importance of loving and serving Christ. He went home over 19 years ago and I still miss him! Today he would have been 83! Thanks, Dad for the godly heritage you gave me.
Have a blessed day!
Freedom Fighter is a ministry of America's KESWICK . . . "Where God speaks to hearts and transforms lives!"

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