Tuesday, May 10, 2005


from the pen of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
"Sin shall not have dominion over you," is a very needful assurance . .
. Stand in the strength of faith and in the power of the precious blood of Christ, and though you are beset with evil suggestions a thousand times a day and every sense is assailed by the witcheries of evil, yet 'sin shall not have dominion over you.' Cheered by such a word as this, we remain on our watchtower and are not overcome by evil.
Sometimes sin forces its way into our souls and rouses our inward desires to an awful degree so that imagination sets fire to our lusts and the smoke of the conflagration blows in the eyes of the affections and almost chokes the understanding. Yes, sin may invade your soul so as to be your plague and torment. Yes, sin may crush you down, rob you of your comfort, injure your graces, and wreak havoc upon your peace, BUT IT SHALL NEVER HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU!
Sin may haunt your home and follow you down the street in your walks, entering the very room into which you withdraw to pray, but your inmost self shall still cry out against it, FOR SIN SHALL NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU. Sin may trouble you and thrust itself upon you, BUT IT CANNOT BECOME YOUR lord. The devil has great wrath and rages horribly for a while, knowing that his time is short (Revelation 12:12), but he shall be subdued and expelled for the Lord our God gives us the victory THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.
The child of God when he falls into the mire is like a sheep that gets up and escapes the ditch as quickly as possible; it is not his nature to lie there. The ungodly man is like the hog that rolls in the filth and wallows in it with delight. The mire has dominion over the swine, but it has none over the sheep. With many bleatings and outcries, the sheep seeks the shepherd again, but not so the swine. Every child of God weeps, mourns, bemoans his sin, and he hate it when for a while he has been overtaken by it. Sin has an awful power, BUT IT HAS NO DOMINION; it casts us down, but it cannot make us take delight in its evil."
from A PASSION FOR HOLINESS IN A BELIEVER'S LIFE by Charles Haddon Spurgeon/Bethany House
Good words to remember on this May 10th, 2005.

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