Friday, May 13, 2005


"Many people are violent against one sin, but the true saint hates ALL sin. You may not allow the sin of drunkenness to have dominion over you, but are you selfish and stingy? What have you done? You have only changed your idols. You have dethroned one usurper to set up another. If you were profane and are now hypocritical, you have only changed iniquities.
It is a very curious thing how one sin feeds on another: the death of of extravagance may be the resurrection of greed; the flight of pride may be the advent of shameless folly. The man who was lewd, riotous, and brawling has killed those sins, and on their graves he has sown a handful of poisonous weed called pride, and it flourishes amazingly. It may be London pride, country pride, English pride or American pride, but it is rare stuff to grow, and to grow over the rotting carcasses of other sins.
Unbelief may dethrone superstition, but its own reign may be no real improvement upon that of credulity. If you have only thrown down Baal to set up Ashtaroth, what progress have you made toward God? Little does it signify which of the false gods is set up in the temple of Jehovah, for He hates them all. The right prayer is, 'LET NOT SIN HAVE DOMINION OVER ME!'"from the writings of CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON -- A PASSION FOR HOLINESS IN A BELIEVER'S LIFE published by Bethany House
Good words to ponder today. Have a blessed day.
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