Sunday, May 22, 2005

PSALM 8 -- A Paraphrase -- Part 1

O Lord, my Lord, how wonderful You are!
Your majesty is in everything I behold.
Your glory is proclaimed in the whole of creation.
The heavens and the earth combine to proclaim Your greatness.
You establish Your granduer from weakness and dependecy.
From the lips of infants and children
expressions of praise spring forth.
How often I have heard the profoundest wisdom
from the lips of small children!
Your glory puts to shame those who oppose You
and silence those who mock.
I see it in the heavens
where the vast expanse of space proclaims Your enormity.
Billions of stars proclaim Your workmanship,
moving in their galaxies,
sending forth their light,
and illuminating my night sky.
You have set the moon in it's orbit,
reflecting into my night a message of Your glory,
sending onto my shores the surging tides,
and directing my thoughts to love.
Everything moves according to Your plan.
Everything hangs in space by YOUR Word.
Everything holds together by YOUR might.
When I look up, I feel so small.
I'm just a little human on the face of a tiny planet!
And yet, sometimes I think that everything
in the whole universe revolves around me.
I fix my own ambitions,
my troubles, my accomplishments, and my failures,
and I act as if the universe is holding it's breath in expectation.
But the heavens put me in my place.
They remind me of how insignificant I really am.
They reduce me to realistic proportions
and remind me that I am unworthy of Your lovingkindness.
It amazes me that You who made the whole universe,
with its infinite miles of space
and its gigantic celestial bodies,
O Lord, MY LORD, how wonderful YOU are!
Good words to prepare your heart for worshipping HIM today.

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