Monday, May 23, 2005

PSALM 8 -- A paraphrase Part #2

It amazes me that YOU who made the whole universe,
with its infinite miles of space
and its gigantic celestial bodies,
are interested in my affairs/
But amazingly, You are!
You have given me a high position in Your concerns.
You have made me just a little lower than the angels.
You have given me worth and dignity
and afforded me a place of significance
in Your divine scheme of things.
You have given me a mind to reason,
plan, discover, analyze, and predict.
You have made me in Your image,
a creating, responding, living, and loving being.
You have given me a hand with dexterity,
and a mind to overcome physical limitations.
You have given me the capacity
to transform the raw materials of this world
into instruments for my use.
I sometimes take undue credit for my technologies,
not acknowledging that all my inventiveness depends on You.
and on the raw materials You have placed in this world.
Thank You, Lord, for the wonders of the heavens and the earth.
Thank You for the reminders they are of Your greatness.
O Lord, my Lord, how wonderful You are!
Your majesty is in everything I behold.
Your glory is proclaimed in the whole of creation.
The heavens and the earth combine to proclaim Your greatness! AMEN
from UNDER HIS WINGS by Ward Patterson ACCENT BOOKS.
Rejoice today, my friend, in who you are IN CHRIST.

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