Saturday, May 21, 2005

PSALM 1 -- A Paraphrase

PSALM 1 -- A Paraphrase
"Father, fill me with Your blessings,
for You alone can satisfy the longings of my heart.
Help me to walk in Your counsel,
to know Your ways and follow them,
not haphazardly or spasmodically,
but patiently, consistently, fully.
Help me to block out the voices that urge me to disobedience.
Help me to recognize that sin is an abomination to You.
Help me to rein in my desires for the forbidden,
my longings for the deceits of this world.
Help me to live a separated life
without being cut off from those You have called me to love in Your name.
Help me to know what to shun,
what to do,
what to say,
where to go.
Help me to direct my thoughts to You.
I am prone to dwell on the destructive and harbor hurt
rather than fix my mind of You.
Help me to delight in Your Word to me.
Help me to pause in the hurry of my life
to reflect on Your promises,
Your provision,
And Your presence.
I know that when I meditate on Your Word,
You refresh me.
You relieve my pressures.
You make life fruitful.
You keep me from spiritual drought.
You give me ease in my tasks and the joy of accomplishment.
But I forget this too soon
And I fall back into spiritual slothfulness.
My life becomes dry and lifeless.
I am beset by doubts,
defeats and enemies.
I feel condemned,
guilty, useless, and crushed down.
I just don't feel comfortable with Your people anymore.
You know EVERYTHING, O God.
You know the way of truth and righteousness.
Let me walk with YOU!
I don't want to walk the way of futility and death.
I want to walk with You by my side,
trusting You,
and knowing You as my Lord and Master."
from UNDER HIS WINGS by Ward Patterson published by Accent Books
Good words to consider and ponder as you prepare for the Lord's Day tomorrow.

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