Friday, May 20, 2005


"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." -- Matthew 5:8
"Seeing God means much more than perceiving traces of Him in nature, in the Scriptures, and in His church. Seeing God means that the pure in heart begin to discern something of God's true character. Anyone who is caught in a thunderstorm and hears the crash of thunder and sees what havoc the lightning flashes work, perceives that God is mighty. But to perceive God is eternally just and yet infinitely tender and that He is sternly severe and yet immeasurably gracious and to see the various attributes of Deity all blending into one another as the colors of the rainbow make one harmonious and beautiful whole -- this is reserved for the person whose eyes have been first washed in the blood of Jesus and then anointed with heavenly eye salve by the Holy Spirit.
It is only such a person who sees that God is always and altogether good and who admires Him under every aspect, seeing that all His attributes are beautifully blended and balanced and that each attribute sheds additional splendor upon all the rest. The pure in heart shall in that sense see God, for they shall appreciate His attributes and understand His character as the ungodly never can.
When a man's heart is clean, he will also hear God's footfall everywhere in the garden of the earth in the cool of the day. He will hear God's voice in the tempest, sounding in peal from the tops of the mountains.
He will behold the Lord walking on the great and mighty waters or see Him in every leaf that trembles in the breeze. Once the heart is made right, God can be seen everywhere. To an impure heart, God cannot be seen anywhere, but to a pure heart, God is to be seen everywhere -- in the deepest caverns of the sea, in the lonely desert, in every star that germs the brow of midnight."
Good words for us to ponder on this May 20th, 2005. Our Community Open House will be held on Saturday, May 28th from 11:00 - 3:00 PM. Great food, fun activities for all ages, helicopters rides and much more.
Bring your friends and enjoy a day at America's KESWICK . . . "Where God speaks to hearts and transforms lives . . ."

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