Friday, March 11, 2005


"Don't think God has ordained you to carry the entire space-time universe on your own back. God created it, God sustains it, and God intends that the government will be upon His shoulders." -- Carl F. H. Henry, Theologian

"Limits were God's intention from the beginning. He decided early on that limits were not only good, but also necessary. It was His way of preempting any ambiguity about who is God and who is not. He is the Creator -- the One without limits. We are the created -- the ones with

Because God is the author and creator of my limits, then it is probably okay with Him that I have them. He probably doesn't expect me to be infinite and is a little surprised when I try. It is okay with Him if I am not all things to all people all the time all by myself. As a matter of fact, it is probably not okay with Him if I assume otherwise.

We often get into all kinds of trouble by inflating our role in the drama of life. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons God created limits. He knew that without limits we would overreach, swell with pride, and become independent. We would get priorities all messed up, and life balance would be neglected. He would have been right. So to address that problem preemptively, He created limits.

WE ARE NOT INFINITE. None of us has more than twenty-four hours in a day. We do not have an inexhaustible source of human energy. We cannot keep running on empty. Limits are real, and despite what some stoics may think, limits are not our enemy. Overload is our enemy.

As the author of limits, God put them within us for our protection. We violate them at our own peril. God is under no moral obligation to bail us out of our pain if we attempt to do more than He asks. It is okay for me to have limits -- God doesn't. It is okay to get a good night's sleep
-- God doesn't sleep! It is okay for me to rest -- God doesn't need to.

We don't know a lot about what heaven looks like, but this much we know: God is not pacing the throne room anxious and depressed because of the condition of the world. He knows, He is not surprised, and He is sovereign. It is okay if we have limits -- HE IS ABLE. So relax. He's
got it covered!

from A MINUTE MARGIN by Dr. Richard A. Swenson Navpress

Good words to ponder today!

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