Saturday, March 12, 2005


Our words can really get us in trouble. Well maybe you haven't figuredthat out as quickly as us loud-mouthed sanguines. Sanguines are people who speak first then think about what they say. We tend to react, blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, and then have to do major cleanup because of the "mouth bombs" we have detonated.If we are not careful, we injure our spouses, our kids, our co-workers,and friends.

Solomon cuts right to the chase and cautions that "fools have short fuses and explode all too quickly." (Proverbs 12:16) Ouch! Do you have ashort fuse? Do you think before you speak or do you speak out tooquickly?

Our good friend and conference speaker. Bob Turnbull shares a storyabout getting ready to leave for a conference and giving his teenage son strict directions of what chores he needed to do while they were away.His son was diligent in following Dad's orders, but was unable to accomplish the major assignment on his Dad's list. He was determined to please his Dad, so he did above and beyond what his Dad expected --cleaning up the garage, trimming the bushes, and mowing the lawn.

Bob and Yvonne returned from the weekend and noticed right away that the lawn and bushes were meticulously cared for, was amazed that the garage was so clean, but was quickly angered when he walked in the house and noticed that the one assignment that he gave to his son wasunaccomplished. Before asking questions, he exploded with, "Can't you do anything right? I gave you one thing to do and you didn't do it. Don'tyou ever listen?" Immediately Bob saw the look of hurt on his son'sface. With tears in his eyes, his boy quietly responded, "Dad, I wanted to do the job you gave me -- but the tools for the job were in the trunkof YOUR car!"

Bob shared that at that moment he was humbled and broken. His short fuseand anger had spilled out, and in the process, destroyed and damaged his son's spirit.

James says, "Post this at all the intersections, dear friends. Lead with your ears, follow-up with your tongue, and let anger straggle along inthe rear. God's righteousness doesn't grow from human anger." The King James says it this way -- "So then, my beloved brothers (and sisters),let every man (woman) be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."(James 1:19) Do you have a short fuse? Explode too quickly? Purpose in your heart today to be wise -- Stop . . . listen . . . think . . . and then speak! Choose to be a wise man, not a fool.

Good words to ponder today!

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