Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Lord, Open My Eyes

Lord, Open My Eyes

Then Elisha prayed, Lord, I pray You, open his eyes that he may see. And the Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. 2 Kings 6:17

Maybe it is because I have now had to have two rounds of laser surgery – both eyes. When I went to the retina specialist, I asked him what was causing my problem. His response was not what I wanted to hear: “Your eyes have lived long enough!”

In both eyes the retina separated from the gel in my eye creating huge floaters. It wasn’t that I couldn’t see – it just clouded my vision from being really clear. Thankfully the laser surgeries were successful, and most of the floaters are gone. I can see much clearer now.
I love this story in 2 Kings 6 when Elisha is standing there with a young man who has become overwhelmed and fearful about his circumstances. From his human eyes, the battle raging all around him was so intense that there didn’t seem to be any way out.

Elisha saw life from a totally different perspective. His intense and intentional walked with the Lord helped him to see that God was at work all around him and that even when he couldn’t necessarily see EVERYTHING – He placed his trust in the one who sees ALL.
I love Elisha’s prayer – Lord, open his eyes that he may see! Not a long drawn out prayer. Not a prayer filled with tons of “Christian-ese.” Simple. Direct. Right to the point.
And God heard Elisha and answered his prayer of faith. The Lord pulled back the curtain and allowed this young man to SEE with eyes of faith that all around him were a host of horses and chariots of fire! Wow!

I find myself praying just about every day – Lord, open my eyes that I may see you at work all around me. I don’t want to miss Him at work. He’s there. He is working out His plans and purposes. Sometimes I get to see BIG picture stuff. Sometimes I get to see Him at work in little ways that I might miss because of a floater passing by – the floater of busyness or the floater of my agenda.

I keep writing these things in my journal because I don’t want to forget them. They are reminders that HE can be trusted and that HE IS ALWAYS AT WORK ALL AROUND ME.

Don’t knock it – try it first, then write me and tell me I am a whacko. Are you bold enough? Daring enough – to ask God to open your eyes to see Him at work all around you? I dare you! In fact, I double-dog dare you. – Bill Welte is President & CEO of America’s Keswick   

Motivations: Christ asks no preparation of any kind whatsoever, - legal or evangelical, outward, or inward, - in the coming sinner. And he that will not come as he is shall never be received at all. It is not exercised souls, nor penitent believers, nor well humbled seekers, nor earnest users of the means, nor any of the better class of Adam's sons and daughters, but "sinner", that Christ welcomes. He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Horatius Bonar

Practice to Remember: Level 1:Ephesians 6:2-3; Level 2: Ephesians 5:15-21

Powered Up:  The right relation between prayer and conduct is not that conduct is supremely important and prayer may help it, but that prayer is supremely important and conduct tests it. – William Temple

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Open our eyes LORD!