Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Go On


“How long are you slack to go to possess the land,
which the Lord God of your fathers hath given you?” (Joshua 18:3)

            The question seems so simple that we may wonder why it would be asked.  The answer seems so obvious that we may wonder why it is necessary.  You will recognize the historical setting.  Joshua was leading Israel to the land promised by God.  The amazing work of Israel’s God in getting them to this point in history was well known to Israel.  They had seen both His purpose and His power. They had witnessed His presence in the process.  His provision for every step of the journey could not be questioned.  Yet “there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not received their inheritance.” (Joshua 18:2)

            The question is to the point.  “How long are you slack…?”  How is it that you can come so far and see so much and then go slack in your desire and be so distracted from your objective?

            Such a situation in history shakes me to ask the same question of my pilgrimage. Is there a provision I have not possessed? Is there a victory I have not claimed? Is there a territory I have not conquered?

            Am I content with less?  Do I by forfeiture say to God that I simply do not care to go farther with Him?  Do I simply ignore His wisdom in providing more? Have I become content with that which is less than a God-styled and God-provided life?

            Do I believe that God is not able to take me further?  Do I take the attitude that it would be “pushing my luck” to trust God for more?

            Have I become wearied with discipline? After all, to go on with God does require the daily pursuit of His will. The successful journey does demand daily obedience. Have I lost sight of the value of such? Is personal discipline a thing not desired?

            Or shall I deal today with the question of slackness in my attitude, my discipline and my devotion to the “high calling of God?”  The provision is His.  The choice is mine. Dr. Robert L. Alderman will be speaking again this summer at America’s Keswick. Check out our summer brochure: Summer Brochure

Motivations: From the tiny birds of the air and from the fragile lilies of the field, we learn the same truth...God takes care of His own.... At just the right moment, He steps in and proves Himself as our faithful heavenly Father. Charles (Chuck) Swindoll

Practice to Remember: Level 1:Ephesians 6:2-3; Level 2: Ephesians 5:15-21

Powered Up:  The best and most wonderful thing that can happen to you in this life, is that you should be silent and let God work … -- Dag Hammarksjold

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