Tuesday, May 29, 2012

15, No 17 Lessons

15, No 17 Lessons I Wished I Had Learned Before Turning 50

We are winding down this study, so let’s dive right in …

13. Take care of your finances. There are so many lessons that Jan and I have learned in this area. But let me talk about one big one. Tithing! Don’t shoot the messenger – it is biblical.
Someone recently said that if every believer started to tithe 10% we would be able to take care of the national debt.

Don’t get hung up on the amount – the question is are you tithing? If not, you are being disobedient. So many believe that they can avoid this clear principle from God’s Word and miss the blessing of God on their finances.

Are you daring enough, bold enough to give above and beyond what you normally give? I could tell you hundreds of stories confirming the fact that you cannot out give God. Almost every time Jan and I have felt led to give to someone/something which is a stretch, God has not only returned what we gave but often multiplied it.

I remember a time when we attended a church where they had a faith promise campaign. A friend who was unemployed took a step of faith to make a pledge above and beyond the norm. He was willing to trust God to supply the funds to fulfill that pledge.

One day he visited the local public library and they were having a used book sale. He perused the rack of books and purchased a book for under a $1.00. Weeks later, he picked up the book and when he started to read it, he came to a page where there was a crisp new hundred dollar bill. He leafed through the book and you guessed it, there was enough cash in that book to cover the faith pledge!

I believe that God wants to demonstrate to His kids that when they are obedient in the matter of tithing, He will bless us in ways that will just blow our minds. Freely give – freely receive.

Do you need to learn this lesson? Is the Holy Spirit tapping on your shoulder to take this step of faith? If so, don’t delay! Start today. Bill Welte is President & CEO of America’s Keswick

Motivations: Men may for a time be hearers of the gospel, men may for order's sake pray, sing, .... but if it be without joy, will not that hypocrisy in time break out? Will they not begin to be weary? Nay will they not be as ready to hear any other doctrine? Good things cannot long find entertainment in our corruptions, unless the Holy Spirit hath changed us from our old delights to conceive pleasure in these things. Richard Greenham

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 6:18; Level 2: Ephesians 6:21-24

Powered Up:  "Most men pray for power, the strength to do things. Few people pray for love, the quality to be someone."
Robert Foster

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