Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Not Always Pretty

Join us this Thursday night for our Men's Fellowship Night. Pastor Joe Scro for Easton Bible Church will be sharing the Word. Dinner is at 6:15 PM. Call for reservations:

Not Always so Pretty
"By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. ”John 15:8
It’s that time of year again, Springtime! I love to watch my co-worker Garrett do his thing. Garrett takes care of the landscaping at Keswick. Part of what he does is prune back trees and bushes. Now I have to tell you it’s not pretty at first, but “in due season” in produces a beautiful product.

Here Jesus is telling us that the Father is Vinedresser. He says that every branch that bears fruit he prunes. Now I must tell you that’s not a desirable thing for me. He also tells us that "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you”. That tells me that when I’m being pruned and am “feeling” bear, it’s His word that upholds me, His word that keeps me. Like the beautiful trees and bushes that are the product of Garrett’s pruning, it’s a good reminder of the season God is pruning me.  

The problem sometimes is we just look good and are satisfied. The real product of God’s pruning is “fruit”. The fruit that is produced is a godly character that is evident by works, an inner transformation that characterize the list of “the fruit of the Spirit” in Galatians 5:22.

When troubles come, and they will, it’s what’s in us that uphold us. It’s not only if we are in God’s word but is God’s word in us? It’s the inward transformation that prompts us to “abide”. When we abide we allow God to prune the dead branches. I believe we have a part to play in allowing this process to take place. It’s not enough to just ask God to prune us and then continue to walk in our own ways.

In John 15 (NKJV) verses 6, 7 and 10 start out with a huge word, “IF”.  It would be amusing to watch Garrett try and reason with the trees and bushes, convincing them that pruning are for the better.
Let’s learn from the landscape and stand strong thru the pruning process, letting the great Vinedresser have His way, Amen! – Rob Russomano is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and serves on our Keswick full-time staff

Motivations:  “A person that is Gospel-empowered may accomplish much for the Kingdom and for the mission of God. But success is not rooted in a person’s performance or motivated for his or her own glory. This is the difference, and it’s a big difference. It is not based on his or her own ability and the means by which one accomplishes great things is not by using others, manipulating others or leading them by force. Nor is it on driving to produce results for one’s own security. Rather, the efforts are rooted in the Gospel and expressed through the power of the Spirit and as a result, bring glory to God. This is done through Christ for the accomplishment of the mission for which God sent His Son and His Son sent His church and is now completing it with His body—a gathered community of Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus”.  (Tom Wood & Scott Thomas, Gospel Coach)

Practice to Remember: Level 1:Ephesians 5:17-18; Level 2: Ephesians 5:8-14

Powered Up:  When we work, we work. When we pray God works. J. Hudson Taylor

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