Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Work in Progress

A Work in Progress

Romans 1:7, To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints:…(NKJV)
The wording of the Spirit—inspired Scriptures is very important. God has chosen to give us a library of 66 books in one book – the Bible. Even so, much concerning this life and spiritual things is left unsaid. God has chosen to give His message for us as we have it.

In the Gospels and Acts we find the word most often used of believers is from the root for disciple (mathētēs). It is used over 265 times in Matthew through Acts. In the book of Acts the word disciple is interchangeable with the word believer. “Christian” in singular or plural form is used only three times in the whole of the New Testament.

When we come to the remainder of the New Testament, Romans to Revelation, a new word appears for the believer, the word saint. Several of the books open with the words “To the saints of…” and then references the location of the recipients. God is revealing what we are positionally as His followers. However, practically we are not there yet as this will take place only when we are in His presence.

A disciple can be defined as “a disciplined one.” This description used most often of believers carries with it the idea of one who practices the biblical spiritual disciplines. As disciples we are in the process of moving from where we are practically: disciples, toward what we are positionally: saints. Spiritual transformation is moving toward sainthood as we have been admonished to “…exercise yourself toward godliness” (1 Timothy 4:7). The word “exercise” has also been translated as “train” in some of our English versions.

So often I hear believers say, “I try to live the Christian life” or “I try to do what is right.” Scripture admonishes us that we don’t just try to be Christlike, we must train to be so! The Apostle Paul reminds us that the transformation in our lives is directly related to   our contemplation of “…the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 3:18 – 4:6). This is only accomplished through the implementation of the spiritual disciplines in our lives as a result of our love for Him. Dr. Joe Olachea is the pastor of Lakes Community Chapel in Medford, NJ and serves on the Board of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Acts 24-26; Psalm 133; Proverbs 13

Compass Pointers: The church is the only organization in the world which exists entirely for the sake of those who are not members of it. Alan Redpath

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 17:21; Level 2: John 17:12-19

Anchored to the Rock: More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. Sir Alfred Tennyson

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