Thursday, December 01, 2011

Love the Word

Love the Word

“They received the word with all eagerness.” Acts 17:11

If you have been reading the Scriptures included with this email which are from the 2011 Bible Reading Plan, you have been reading Psalm 119. What a powerful Psalm.

I am really enjoying reading what David said about the Word of God and his love for it.
As I have read the Word this year it has really come alive for me.
In the devotional, Voices from the Past (Banner of Truth), Puritan preacher, George Swinnock writes: “Do not leave your Bible as some do, at church, and hear nothing of it all week long. Bring it home and let it dwell with you. Do not let the Word be as a wayfaring man that tarries with you for a single night and is gone.

Let it be an inhabitant, one that accompanies you to bed and board, and with whom you converse continually as your familiar and intimate friend. Have you not found the Bible to be so bountiful a guest, to pay you so liberally for its board, that you always give it a hearty welcome and would not part with it for the whole world?

The godly have meditated on it day and night and have esteemed it above the sweetest honey and the finest gold. The martyrs in England have given much their estates for a few leaves of it, and have laid down their lives before they would lose the precious fruit in it.

O let this Book of books be often before you, and your meditation all the day! If you know and believe the contents of the Word, you would hardly ever let it out of your hand.

Wow! Do you love God’s Word more today than you did yesterday? Fall in love with the God of the Bible and you will fall in love with the Bible. If you haven’t picked up lately, today is a good day to start. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: 1 Corinthians 9-11; Psalm 121; Proverbs 1

Compass Pointers: In the world to which the Apostles preached their new message, religion had not been the solace of the weary, the medicine of the sick, the strength of the sin-laden, the enlightenment of the ignorant: It was the privilege of the healthy and the instructed. The sick and the ignorant were excluded. They were under the bondage of evil  demons. This people which knoweth not the law are accursed, was the common doctrine of Jews and Greeks. The philosophers addressed themselves only to the well-to-do, the intellectual, and the pure. To the mysteries were invited only those who had clean hands and sound understanding. It was a constant marvel to the heathen that the Christians called the sick and the sinful. Roland Allen 

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 16:33; Level 2: John 16:5-15

Anchored to the Rock: All our perils are as nothing so long as we have prayer. C. H. Spurgeon

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